Information and resources at your fingertips

These guides and resources can help you understand how MarylandSaves works and the benefits it offers employers and savers.

Resources for employers

Employer Portal Help Center
Get all of your portal questions answered with step-by-step instructions, articles, and more in the MarylandSaves Help Center.

For a walkthrough of the payroll submission process, you can watch this webinar here.

Watch webinar

Employer Fact Sheet
Employer Fact Sheet (en español)
This PDF outlines facts about the program, eligibility requirements, and the benefits of MarylandSaves for you and your employees.

Auto-Enrollment Notification
Auto-Enrollment Notification (en español)
Use this fact sheet to notify your employees about MarylandSaves auto-enrollment and give them a quick summary of its benefits.

Registration Checklist
Use this form to see the steps you'll take to set up your MarylandSaves Account.

Employee contribution reminder

Use this email template as a friendly reminder for your employees that they can easily save for retirement through payroll contributions with MarylandSaves.

Employee Contribution Reminder email template

Resources for savers

Saver Fact Sheet
Saver Fact Sheet (en español)
This PDF outlines facts about the program, eligibility requirements, and the benefits of MarylandSaves to you.

Opt-Out Form
Opt-Out Form (en español)
Although it’s easier to opt out of participating in MarylandSaves online, this form is available for those without internet access.

Program Forms
Although your WorkLife Account was designed to be managed online, we understand that there may be times that you prefer to do things offline. Downloadable forms are just a click away.